Meadowview Tree Farm, Nursery, LLC
"Quality Plants, Locally Grown Since 1983"
Deciduous Shrubs
The following deciduous shrubs are offered for sale in 2021
Viburnum dentatum
Deciduous Shrubs
Zone: 2
Conservation practices: H, E, N
Description: 6-15' multistemmed rounded shrub. It has creamy white flowers May to June. In late September Arrowwood will produce a blue black fruit that is attractive to birds. This plant is adaptable to all soils and climates.
Shepherdia argentea
Deciduous Shrubs
Zone: 3-9
Conservation practices: N, H
Description: Growing 8-12' with an equal spread, this shrub grows best in full sun to part shade. With bright red fruit in the fall and silvery leaves during the summer, it is a great landscaping choice or to be used as a hedge. This bush is adatabple to a wide range of soil types.
Butterfly Bush
Buddleia davidi
Deciduous Shrub
Zone: 4
Conservation practices: H
Description: 5-12' multi-stemmed shrub. This bush will have fragrant flowers July through the fall. Butterfly bush attracts butterflies. It should be heavily pruned in the spring and it tolerates most soils.
Cephalanthus occidentalis
Deciduous Shrubs
Zone: 5
Conservation practices: W, E, H,N
Description: 3-6' rounded gangling shrub. This native plant is great for wet areas. Has an interesting white flower in late summer.
Cranberry American
Viburnum trilobum
Zone: 5
Conservation practices: E, F, H, S, N
Description: 8-12' multi-stemmed shrub. In May this plant has white flowers. September through February it has bright red fruit. The fruit of American Cranberry is used in jelly and is great for attracting birds.
Dogwood Grey
Cornus racemosa
Deciduous Shrubs
Zone: 3-8
Conservation practices: H, N
Description: This low maintance shrub is beautiful year round. White flowers in the spring, birds will enjoy white berries in the late summer and in the witer you will enjoy the light red branches. Growing to a height of 10-15' with a spread of the same size, this bush is slow growing and prefers full sun to partial shade. It adapts to a wide range of soil types.
Dogwood Red Oiser
Cornus stolinifera
Deciduous Shrubs
Zone: 2
Conservation practices: H, E, N
Description: 7-9' slender, upright shrub. It has a red stem and white drupe fruit in mid-August. Redoiser Dogwood is best in wet or swampy conditions. It is also a great structure for holding soil on slopped areas.
Dogwood Silky
Cornus amomum
Deciduous Shrubs
Zone: 3
Conservation practices: E, H, W, N
Description: 6-10' red, multi-stemmed shrub. In August this plant has a white/purplish drupe fruit. Silky Dogwood is a favorit for attracting birds. It thrives in moist and wet soils.
Sambucus canadensis
Deciduous Shrubs
Zone: 4
Conservation practices: H, S, E, N
Description: 5-12' multi-stemmed shrub. In mid-June it has white flowers and in mid-August it has purple fruit. Elderberry tolerates soils and roadside conditions.
Forsythia x intermedia
Deciduous Shrubs
Zone: 4
Conservation practices: H
Description: 8-10' upright and wide shrub. It has yellow flowers in April for 2-3 weeks. Full sunlight is needed for maximum flower. Forsythia prefers loose soil, but does well in any type.
Common Lilac
Syringa vulgaris
Deciduous Shrubs
Zone: 3
Conservation practices: S, E
Description: 8-12' leggy, upright shrub. In mid-May it has fragrant flowers.
Physocarpus opulifolius
Deciduous Shrubs
Zone: 2
Conservation practices: E, N
Description: 5-9' spreading shrub. May-June is has white flowers and in mid-Septemer is has a red fruit. It has a beautiful exfoliating bark. Ninebark tolerates full sun and dry conditions.
Rose of Sharon - Althea
Hibiscus syriacus
Deciduous Shrubs
Zone: 5
Conservation practices: H
Description: 8-12' erect shrub or small tree with numerous upright branches. This plant flowers July through September. Althea will tolerate moist soils, full sun, and is pH adaptable.
Rugosa Rose
Rosa rugosa
Deciduous Shrubs
Zone: 2
Conservation practices: E, F H, W
Description: 4-6' sturdy shrub, with upright stems forming a dense mat. This plant has rose-purple to white flowers all summer. August through the late fall it has a red glossy fruit. This fruit can be used in jelly making. Rugosa Rose makes a beautiful hedge. It is pH adaptale, salt tolerant, and grows in most soil types.
Amelanchier canadensis
Deciduous shrub
Zone: 4
Conservation practices: E, F, H
Description: 3-18’ Small suckering white flowering shrub. Produces an abundance of bluish-purple juicy & edible berries in July. Tolerates harsh climates and alkaline soil.